'81 Kramer Duke Bass

'81 Kramer Duke Bass
Funk Bass Practice Rig

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Smile, Sail, smile some more...

Returned yesterday from the sail. Great fun with a friend as we sailed from Soldier Creek, AL going East to Pensacola Beach, FL. We stayed in a marina the first night and the second night we docked at a restaurant.

We sailed home on Thursday and once we put up the sails we sailed for about 6 hours. Finally cranked the engine to back into the dock at home.

Smile, sail, smile some more.

Took a two day break and then headed out Saturday for Red Fish Point Anchorage at the East end of Big Lagoon. Our yacht club's annual raft-up brought 8 boats out. I had way too much fun (alcohol) Saturday evening. Survived a crash landing into the cockpit, was put to bed by the Captain of the Pinta (read Joshua Slocum's Sailing alone Around the World), awakened the next morning to discover I wasn't broken, but severely sore and moving slowly. What fun!

Smile, sail, smile some more.

Sailed back over to Innerarity Point, FL and picked up my wife. We sailed back to Redfish Point and Pensacola Beach and enjoyed ourselves. Here's the best thing about sailing with your best friend...the power of propinquity. Dropped her off Tuesday about 1:30 pm and got the boat docked about 3:30 pm. Unloaded, cleaned up, folded sails, etc. and home by 6 pm.

Smile,sail, smile some more....

Some things I reflected upon...The power of propinquity...the need for friendship...the wonder of a steady breeze...how little you actually need on a sailboat to have fun....

Somewhere along the way our keel cable shredded...probably my fault and we'll have to haul out and repair. But, good will come of it. I have several projects I'd like to do while the boat's out of the water.

Smile, sail, smile some more...

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