'81 Kramer Duke Bass

'81 Kramer Duke Bass
Funk Bass Practice Rig

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hot weekend in '98 RAV Ruins a guitar neck...

Bowed necks play lousy. Classical guitars left in hot cars - not good. Another lesson learned the hard way.

But what other way is there to learn a lesson. You can lead a horse to water...I've been told many times, "don't leave a guitar in the hot car." It never seemed to bother them before.  Robert Worley once wrote, "Activation occurs only on the terms of those being activated, not on the terms of the activators." That's about the same as "You can lead a horse to water..."

Activation...taking care of your stuff
Occurs....can or can't, will or won't, you'll know it when you see it...
those being activated...a leader stands before a group or an individual and recommends a course of action, an activity...and those whom the leader addresses will or will not respond. And those whom the leader address will determine by their actions the pattern and the outcome of the leader's efforts. The leader may hope otherwise, but it will not happen.

Difficult lesson to accept.

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