'81 Kramer Duke Bass

'81 Kramer Duke Bass
Funk Bass Practice Rig

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leave it for someone else - saying "no" to "the wanting Creature"

I left a good deal hanging on the pegs. If you can find a Peavey Predator, one made in the 1990's and made in the USA, and in good shape, snag it. I believe they play and sound much better than a USA Fender Strat. Or let me put it this way, you can tweak them, like someone tweaked the Predator I've got. What a range of tones, from fat to lean, from SRV to country and, put it the neck pickup and that's a fat, fat tone. I like the jumbo frets too. Peavey spared nothing to make this a very fine instrument. OK, that said, I left one hanging. I Could have had it for $100 bucks. Why walk on a deal like that? Delbert McClinton sings a song titled, "Too Much Stuff". Listen to it. That's why.
Its OK to say you've got enough. Rumi has a poem called "The Wanting Creature". He tells the story of a frozen snake that someone buys and thaws and when they thaw it, it turns out to be "the wanting creature". Rumi says once thawed that beast can never again be tamed. I'll never tame it, but every once in a great while, I say "no" to it.
I get caught between wanting and too much stuff. Right now one Peavey Predator is enough...right now!

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