Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Leave it for someone else - saying "no" to "the wanting Creature"
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Gettin' ready to smile for a couple of weeks
Thursday, April 1, 2010
People who know how
If its fixed, don't break it.
"Parables are tiny lumps of coal squeezed into diamonds, condensed metaphors that catch the rays of something ultimate and glint it at our lives. Parables are not illustrations; they do not support, elaborate or simplify a more basic idea. They are not ideas at all, nor can they ever be reduced to theological statements. They are the jeweled portals of another world; we cannot see through them like windows, but through their surfaces are refracted lights that would otherwise blind us -- or pass unseen... Nor can parables ever be exhausted; they always contain more than we can tell. They are the precipitate of something ineffable; they percolate up from depths wherein the Kingdom itself is working its ineluctable work. They come from the same energizing reality that causes the seeds to germinate and the leaven to rise. They rise with the leaven. "
Maybe you'll discover a parable among your old guitars and stuff.