'81 Kramer Duke Bass

'81 Kramer Duke Bass
Funk Bass Practice Rig

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lost rings, found guitar

A friend lost her wedding rings. She removed them because her finger itched. I believe her body spoke "in sighs too deep for words" about a deeper irritation. She took them off about a month ago and has yet to find them. More on this if it develops.
This led to the search. I told her to tear out the lining of the purse she thought she put them in. Not there. I said, "Let's go to the pawn shops and alert the owners." There are three pawn shops in Foley, AL. We jumped in the Rav4 (she never complains about the dog hair.) First stop. No rings and no guitars. Second stop, Ricks Gun and Pawn. No rings, one guitar and met a buddy, fellow guitar picker/ great singer Ken Lambert. I passed on the guitar. There is a very fine Jackson Professional V-tail there. It has seen several birthdays there. He's also got an old Ibanez 12 string with very good tone, but no electrics. Last shop is the yellow one owned by Sammy. She talked to him, I spotted the Harmony. No rings, however Sammy had a close match and maybe, since she hasn't found hers/ theirs...don't wedding rings really belong to both the bride and groom, the marriage itself?
I played the Harmony through an Crate beginner amp. I knew right away someone had loved this guitar. They had loosened the strings after last playing it. That's a commitment. It saves the neck. Someone had crafted a new bridge. The old ones were/ are/ you can get them on ebay lousy. The action is great. The tone awesome. "Sammy, what's the best you can do?"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Harmony Meteor 1967

Found it in a pawn shop in Foley, Alabama. How does this happen? Eureka: Pawn Shop Gold! Bummer: Who gave this away and gave away so much for so little? Anyway. Mine now. And talk about tone! The Meteor sounds so different than the usual guitars old guys probably play. Strats, Les Paul's, even the Gibson 335. And The Meteor sounds so different through my different amps. I'll give you a list here: Riviera 55-12; Vintage Sound by Rick Hayes 12 watt; Crate VC 508; Peavey Pro Studio 40; Peavey Classic 30; I'll give you more of the how I found it story which is a story next time.